1. from. -
2. ON his English. a lot OF exercises IN class and AT home
3. over
4. of
5. with. IN the country? a long way FROM Moscow
6. - , went TO bed AT once
7. OF money ON books. ask him FOR books
8. AT the hospital now
1.The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands.
2.The ball may be batted in any direction with one or both hands.
3.The ball must be held in or between the hands
5.No shouldering, holding, striking, pushing, or tripping in any way of an opponent. .
6.A goal can be made when the ball is thrown from the ground into the basket
7.The time shall be two fifteen-minute halves, with five minutes rest between.
8.The side making the most points in that time is the winner.
1. Is she reading or writing? She is reading.
2. Do you like tea or coffee? I like coffee
3. When will you do your homework today or tomorrow? I'll do my homework tomorrow.
4.Did he pass the exam or fail? He passed
The doctor have been already sent for by them
1.Питер обычно пишет длинные письма
2. Джим посылает хорошие открытки
3.Мои друзья получают хорошие открытки
4 Почтальон получил хорошие открытки
5Девушка Бог английский штамп.