<span>1) These goods will leave our warehouse in 3 working days.
2) We are prepared to compromise in the question of delivery costs.
3) These product has been in for over three years.
4) With regard to your request for 50 day's credit, unfortunately we are not able to do this.
5) We are ready to give you a discount of 6 %.
6) In relation to discounts, our terms are 3% for an order over </span><span><span>$</span>10,000.
7) Thank you for your fax about a possible order for our products.
8) We need to reach agreement about this matter as soon as possibble.
9) We need these items at the end of January at the latest.
10) Do you give discounts for an order of this size ?
11) We will be very glad to deal with any further questions.
12) The are two or three things to clarify before going forward with an order. </span>
Mary is from China.
Is she a teacher?
l am a football player.
They are sisters
It is a telephone
We are best friends
I am good at sports.
She is good at painting.
He is good at math and physics.
The dog is good at catching frisbee.
I am good at singing.
She's good at shooting.
She's good at washing stubborn stains.
My mum is good at cooking.
My dad is good at watching TV.
My brother is good at informatics.
My sister is good at painting.
My uncle is good at martial arts.
My aunt is good at real estate agent.
Упр 7
1. Student's apple is red
2. His sister's butter on a plate
3. Is the student's mutton fat?
4. My friend's flat, like his sister's flat, is fine
5. My sister's dish isn't blank
6. Is the man's lesson important?
7. Is the student's letter short?
8. My husbаnd's plan is easy
9. My sister's student - is the happy man.
Упр 6
1. Рыба друга на блюде
2. Платье его сестры короткое
3. Платье его сестры, как и платье этого ученика, красное
4. Сумка студента не очень большая
5. Правильно ли написал студент
6. Письмо человека не на столе
7. Горячая баранина моего мужа не жирная
8. Рыбное блюдо его друга прекрасно
9. Муж его сестры на уроке в институте
10. Сестра его друга маленькая
11. Муж моей сестры на дежурстве
12. История ученика короткая
5doesn't enjoy
7takes off
8don't want
В последних двух не уверен