They have successfully mastered the new profession.
1. Does your uncle often celebrate New year? 2. Do your parents sometimes invite your relatives? 3. Does your friend always go shopping his birthday? 4. Does your sister sometimes send letters? 5. Do your relatives always come to see letters? 6.Does your uncle often make bread? 7.Does your sister sometimes visit their friends? 8.Do your parents often buy vegetables and fruits?
В Казахстане единой семьёй живёт пятнадцать миллионов человек,
представителей более ста национальностей и народностей. Я не перестаю
удивляться тому, как дружно уживаются в нашей стране люди разных
национальностей, говорящие на разных языках, исповедующие разные
религии. И всё это сопровождается не только хорошим отношением, но и
симпатией друг к другу. На казахском, русском, уйгурском, немецком,
корейском, татарском языках издаются книги и газеты, работают
национальные театры, эстрадные ансамбли,
передаются национальные
программы радио и телевидения.
In Kazakhstan, a single family lived fifteen million people, more than a hundred nationalities and ethnic groups. I never cease to be surprised how to coexist together in our country people of different nationalities, speaking different languages, professing different religions. And all this is accompanied not only a good attitude, but also sympathy for each other. In Kazakh, Russian, Uighur, German, Korean, Tatar publish books and Newspapers, working national theaters, pop ensembles, are transferred to the national radio and television
1.Do you often travel by plane?
Yes,I often travel by plane.
2.Did you travel by train last summer?
No,I didn't travel by train last summer.
3.Does your mum go to work by bus?
Yes,my mum go to work by bus.
4.Have you got a bicycle?
No,I don't have a bicycle.
5.Has your dad got a motorbike?
No,my dad don't have a motorbike.
6.Can you drive a car?
No,I can' drive a car.
7.Can you ride a bicycle well?
No,I can't ride a bicycle well.
8.Do you want to travel with your friends?
Yes,I want to travel with my friends.
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