1 were playing 2 was preparing 3 were playing 4 was practicing 5 weren't cycling 6 was working, were swimming 7 weren't listening 8 were you doing 9 were sitting 10 was listening, was watching 11 were playing 12 were studying
Clean- чистый
Dirty- грязный
Пара антонимов
1 am accepted
2 agree,prefer
3 When was your bike stolen?
4 Have you paid your electric bill yet?
will be shut off
5 What happened?
6 was hit,Was the bicyclist injuried?
called,was taken and (was)treated.
What happened.....?
was arrested
, wasn't killed
7 is.It is visited...It was designed.....It was erected.....
Since that time it has been.......
Today it is recognised......