1.Много детей в дневных школах приносят свои обеды в школу и идут домой около 4 часов. 2.В 1958 Великобритания начала первую трансатлантическую службу Джет. 3 Существует Национальный молодежный театр с высоким уровнем производительности, большинство его актеров подростки.
Из 8 реплик не получилось, может что-то из этого подойдет?
-It is nice to meet you again. You look gorgeous!You can't imagine How much I missed you!
-Oh? come on. I look ordinary. How is your music class? Do you still play the guitar?
-I'm afraid to dissappoint you, but not.
-Really? What's wrong? Tell me everything!
-I gave up.
-Oh, for heaven's sake what for??
-I'm seek and tired of it.
- Listen, don't be stupid. You are a very talented boy. .
-You want to say that I should start practicing again?
- Yes, indeed.
- Listen,this sounds good. I agree with you.
1. On weekends my parents go shopping.
2. On Saturday my mum cooks a tasty pie.
3. On Sunday my dad cooks supper for our family.
4. On weekends my mum and her friends go to cinema.
5. On Saturday my dad goes to the market to buy necessary things for repairing.
6. On Sunday my father takes me and my sister for Granny.
7. On weekends my mother imagines new haircuts.
8. On weekends my mum and dad watch soaps on TV.
9. On Sunday my mum visits her best friend.
10. On Sunday my dad takes my Granny to the town for shopping.