Where is Tom cutting the grass now?
Who is watching TV in the living room now?
Are you reading a fairy tale or detective story now?
With whom is she going to the museum now?
How often do you call your granny?
How well does your elder sister write composition?
With whom does their friend usually play golf?
Does he often shout at his dog?
research to research research
education to educate educational
production to produce productive
response to response responsible
freedom to free free
(to be free, to make free)
advance to advance advanced
design to design designed
science to ??? scientific, sciential, science<span>
</span> (carry out sciential research)
в инфинитиве к глаголу ставится частица "to", чтобы понятно было, что это глагол. но судя по примерам в таблице, здесь можно не ставить, итак понятно что во втором столбике глаголы. поэтому на твоё усмотрение.
1) I've got a nike
2)We've got a bike
3)She's got a doll
4)He's got an uncle
5) They've got a sister
1) I have not eaten today yet.
2) he didn't ate yesterday.
3) did you played in the piano yesterday
Когда мы пишем в Present Perfect то после имени сущ. ставим have (eсли про себя) А если про 2 лицо (it,he,she) пишем has, глаголы пишем в третьей форме. А если про Past Simple то мы пишем гл. во второй форме и представляем Did или Does.