Dear Larisa,
Thank you for your letter. (1) I have received it just now. (2) it is 6 p.m. and i am sitting and (3) writing a letter for you. (4) I have been sitting here for five hours preparing for the next exam. (5) Ywo days ago i passed History. (6) I have taken two exams already. (7) Before my session I was ill. (8) At that time i read many books and (9) watch many films. And now I miss you very much.
We decided to go to theatre yesterday.When we arrived,the play has already started.Viewers were whispering to the left of us.They have been whispering for several minutes before my friend asked them to stop talking.
1) going to fall off from the ladder
2) she is going to switch on the printer
3) they are not going to go here
4) he is going to take a photograph
6) you are not going to school
5) Mrs green is not going to make some break
7) she is not going to school
8) it is going to be a beautiful day
У меня есть питомец шимпанзе.Его имя Чаксл.Ему 11.У Чаклса большие уши и толстое тело.Он очень милый!А еще он очень умный!Он может бегать прыгать и карабкаться.Еще он может танцевать.Я люблю Чаклса!
<span>Data being accessed randomly, semiconductor memories are called random access memory подходит я прост не знаю