2. Junk food
3. Too much fat and sugar
4. Scout staying healthy
8 uniform
7 snake
4 train
5 window, а не windoy
Builders also a difficult job, because they need to build a house, city. A<span>rtist - a difficult job, because the artists need to try to attract the attention of his paintings.
</span><span>Cook is also a difficult job, because cook you need to be good cook, that would feed.
</span><span>Тhe teacher is also a difficult job, because to teach children the knowledge is not so easy.
</span><span>Тhe seller is another difficult job, because you need to know mathematics well.</span>
In the first half of the XX century the American researchers and scientists found out that regular chewing of a cud helps to get rid of consequences of tension and a stress, takes off fatigue from muscles. When the American government learned about it, the decree in which each military soldier of the USA had to be provided every day with chewing gum was issued. After this case, at cinema there was an image of the cool American soldier who chews chewing gum.In days of the Prohibition started adding a carnation or mint to chewing gum for breath refreshing.In 1928 Walter Dimer from Flir's company created successful structure for an inflatable cud - babl-din. The first commercial party of an inflatable cud was painted in pink color, is there was the only dye which appeared near at hand at Dimer when he decided to make the creation more attractive to eyes.Development of sugar substitutes in the 1950th led to emergence of the chewing gums without sugar which are also promoting the best protection of teeth and an oral cavity.In the second half of the 20th eyelid there was a chewing gum capable to bleach teeth.<span>There were glazed chewing gums, etc.</span>