1. There were
2. there will be
3. There was
4. There is
5. were
6. is He was
7. Will you be free tomorrow?
1) Анкл Харри уоз нот эт уорк иестердэй
2)Уоз зэ кейк фо Роббис бёрздэй
3)Ларри энд Лулу уер эт зуу ласт найт
4)Мам энд Дад уер нот эт Хоум ласт найт
5)Чаклз уаз ин Ларрис рум зис морнинг
6)Уэр Ларри энд Пако ин зэ гарден эн аур эго
1 was 2were 3. visited 4.liked5 6were
B) 1.should
c) give advice:should talk to parents, make a list of chores
express expected results:do so much housework, be upset.
1-T, 2-F, 3-T, 4-T, 5-T,6-T 7-T, 8-T, 9-F, 10-F, 11-T, 12-T