1. The Statue of Liberty was given to the American people by the French government.
2. The doctor has been sent by them.
3. Films are shown by them at the cinema.
I was reading books at 7 o’clock
I am reading books now
I will be reading books 2 till 3 p.m tomorrow
How to make a million dollars on the exchange - a time machine or intuition?
The success stories of people who made a lot of money on the exchange are extremely rare and sometimes look like fiction. For example, in 2003, in New York, a trader invested in the purchase of shares of $ 800 and for a short period earned $ 350 million. The disturber of calm, after being detained by FBI agents, was named after Andrew Karlsin. The Federal Service became interested in a fortunate player on the exchange after the trader's accusation of using insider information, because the state authorities did not find another explanation for this success. Andrew managed to make about 125 transactions, each of which was extremely risky and not obvious, but brought an incredible profit. The transactions were characterized by a combination of circumstances, it was simply impossible to foresee the resulting analyzes.
Trader-traveler in time
Interesting events began to occur after the detention of Andrew, who said during interrogation that he arrived from 2256 when he was charged with criminal conspiracy at the insistence of the SEC commission that regulates operations with securities in the US. The man stated that there were no accomplices and told him about the arrival of the machine in the future, the location of which was flatly refused to reveal. Karlsin boasted access to archival data on the state of affairs in the stock markets in the early XXI century and decided to put together on this state, not coping with the temptation to enrich themselves in such an easy way. Initially, Andrew's plans were to act very carefully, periodically making unprofitable transactions in order not to attract unnecessary attention, but after earning the first big money he could not stop.
After being in prison, Karlsin went to a deal with the investigation, offering valuable information, consisting in revealing the location of Osama bin Laden and helping to create a cure for AIDS. The investigators did not believe the stories of Andrew and decided to hold him behind bars until a successful speculator wants to tell the truth about the secret of earnings of $ 350 million.
Despite the fact that the investigators were not ready to believe in the story of the time travel, they could not refute it, because they did not find any information about this person in our time. Karlsin appeared out of nowhere in December 2002, and before that it did not seem to exist at all.
When the story leaked into the media and got to the Internet through Yahoo's search service, it received thousands of comments in the form of comments left not only by ordinary users, but also by the ringleaders from Wall Street. Brokers pointed to the impossibility of earning such money, for such a short period of time, even with an insider.
Andrew stayed in prison for 3 years, and in 2006, for him unexpectedly made a pledge of $ 1 million. The time traveler, having gone free, disappeared and rumored to go to Canada, where in the province of Alberta, he claims, there are incredible reserves of oil, which impregnate the deposits of sand. The production, according to Karlsin, is complicated, but opens the prospect of lifting to the surface up to 300 billion barrels per day.
Mystified by the fact that later information about Andrew on the pages of Weekly World News and in the section of Yahoo News was preserved only in archives, and articles from the site completely disappeared. Перевод хороший 100%