1)3 "Pardon..."
2)2 "Bien sur..."
3)6 "C`est loin?"
4)4 "Mais non..."
5)5 "C`est dans quelle..."
6)1 "C`est rue de..."
It was a beautiful spring morning.
There was not a cloud in the sky, and the sun was shining brightly, so Mr
Andrews was surprised when he saw an old gentleman at the bus stop. The gentleman
had a big strong umbrella in his hand. Mr Andrews said to him, “Do you think we
are going to have rain today?”
<span> “No,” answered the old gentleman. “I
don’t think so.”</span>
<span> “Then why are you carrying the umbrella
on such a warm day?” The gentleman smiled and explained, “I am an old
gentleman, and my legs are not very strong. It has become very difficult for me
to walk without a walking stick. But when I carry a walking stick, people say
that I am old and they feel sorry for me. And I don’t like that. When I carry
an umbrella in fine weather, people only say, “Look at that stupid man!”</span>
Задание: Что снится Голди? Ты должен придумать о чём может "мечтать" , "фантазировать" Голди. Нарисуй и всё. Удачи)))
This big beast looks like a catBrave, agile quick heAnd in the zoo it happensAnd the kids let fear