Каузатив – это побудительные обороты с глаголами get и have.
Побудительный get подразумевает самостоятельное приготовление и не используется в предвременах (совершенных или perfect).Принудительный have подразумевает действие как результат чужой деятельности.
5. Everywhere
1 What cases may be negative influence on your speech?
2 what kind of treatment May you use?
3 what cases does disturbance appear?
4may you avoid such cases in the childhood?
5 do you feel anxiety in your speech?
6may you become healthy person after a such difficult illness?
7 do you often meet such People?
8may this illness interconnection with your children?
9why do we impolite to such People?
10may our speech depend on surrouding?
А) This is a night for praying rather than boasting.
Б) Сook one's hare before it is caught
В) Sell the bearskin before one has caught the bear
Г) Don't count on things if you don't have them yet
Д) Тh<span>ere is many a slip "twixt the cup and the lip</span>
Как называется эта одежда на вашем языке /это если перевод нужен/