<span>1. Who_is_questions about sciences and humanities? - The teacher__is_.
2. Who_did_"Well done" to Tom? -_did.
3. Where__are_you look up words if you don't know their meanings? - I look them
up in a ____.
4. Why_does Pete understand the definition of science? - Because he_does_know
some words.
5. What__the teacher's last question? - What __engineering? __ it a
science or an art?
6. Who_the definition of engineering in a dictionary? - Tom__.</span>
We all often use transport. It helps to cover long distances very quickly. Transport greatly facilitates our life. Transport can be personal and public. Personal transport is primarily the car, motorcycle, bicycle, etc. Public transport includes bus, trolley bus, metro and trams.<span>
перевод </span><span>Мы все часто используем транспорт. Это помогает очень быстро преодолевать большие расстояния. Транспорт значительно облегчает нашу жизнь. Транспорт может быть личным и публичным. Личный транспорт - это прежде всего автомобиль, мотоцикл, велосипед и т. Д. Общественный транспорт включает в себя автобусы, троллейбусы, метро и трамваи.</span>
Составь из этих слов предложения : sometimes , Pam , Saturdays , goes , cinema , to , on ,the. Go , i ,to , usually , once , par
klara111 [1]
1. Sometimes Pam goes to the cinema on Saturdays.
2. I usually go to the park once a week.
3. Does he sometimes wash the dishes?
1 - Has
2 - Has
3 -
4 - Had
5 - Goes
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