I am a good daughter,2 Where do your uncle and aunt live?3-what is dogs name . 1я хорошая дочь ,где живут твои дядя и тётя,какое имя у твоей собаки
1Music connects people.
2We considered the problem carefully.
3Can I offer you a cup of tea?
4The teacher introduced a new pupil to the class.
5This is the only possible answer.
6He organized a business trip to London last week.
7I think video games are a great entertainment.
8Those were strange times and he was a very strange character.
1. connected - Participle II - часть глагола-сказуемого.
2. rolling - Participle I - обстоятельство.
3. rolled - Participle II - определение.
4. used - Participle II - часть глагола-сказуемого.
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