2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
10-having a dinner
I think that school starts a little later. I always don’t have time to do an exaggeration. I always run at the last minute. If it started at least an hour later I would have slept and walked normally. I know. In the morning, the brain perceives better, but not so early. To get to school I need to get in at 5:30. But we must not forget about healthy sleep 9 hours a day, for this I have to get up somewhere at 7 o'clock, but I’ll be late. And you know how useful it is to have breakfast in the mornings, but many do not have time, and in the dining room there is nothing edible. So I decided that I would go to school an hour later and I advise you.
Моя школа "дружит" с интернациональной школой в Западной Африке. Мы обмениваемся рабочими проектами с африканскими детьми. Мы хотим узнать вещи, которые учат африканские дети и какая жизнь в Африке. У меня есть прекрасный друг по переписке из той школы. Её имя Шаннен. Мы общаемся через e-mail (электронную почту). Я узнал много интересных вещей от Шаннен: о фестивалях, которые празднует её семья, о их традициях и повседневной жизни. Её язык, традиции образ жизни абсолютно другие, но мы понимаем друг друга очень хорошо. Это важно иметь друга в другой стране. Это помогает больше узнавать о чужих культурах и традициях.
I sometimes combine work and study.
Our teacher never tells lie.
My friend often misses classes.
They seldom speak English at school.
Our parents are always fond of gardening.
His sister usually gets up early.
It regularly rains here in winter.
My mother always fulfills her promises.
Firms need specialists in accounting once a week.
A. Tim really likes classical music.
B. My sisters love shopping.
C. His brother watches videos a lot.
D. I use a computer, when I am at work.