<span>в вопросительную:
Are the street workers smelling something strange?
Are the street workers reading a book?
<span>в отрицательную:
The street workers are not smelling something strange.
The street workers are not reading a book.
1 Hello.
2 Hello.
1 How are You?
2I am fine thank You!
1 I want to know where do You live ?
2 I am live in ...(твой город),in the ...(название улицы) street. I love this place because there very beautifull and I live there all mu life!And where do You live?
1 ...( Тут все тоже самое)
2 Thank You now I know where do You live. Bye.
1 Bye.
I have a cat. he is black. very funny and caressing. loves to play with their toys