Think, English is really important in our life, we can talk with people from different and pretty good countries, can study at good Universities after school outside Russia, can learn a foreign culture and a lot of another nteresting things.<span>But, before this, we must can speak this language. So, it's a lot of thing we can do to learn it.
The best we can do at scool yaers - hear and learn</span> all information on lessons we can use in future, do homework. Also, ton very bad process - self-development. Listen to English music, watch<span> a movie in the English voice acting and ect.
(103 слова)</span>
1/What had she won an English language competition?
2/ What was there that really spoilt her impression?
3/ Is your roommate not going to accept all your "nice and lovely" habits and support you in every situation?
4/ What does the law of coexistence mean?
5/ Do you have to earn your roommate's<span> </span><span> friendship and any good feelings he or she has for you?</span>
6/ It is great fun to have a roommate, isn' it?
7/ Does it meas that you can do whatever you want and not only what your parents want you to do?
8/ Don't you see what the trouble is if you keep some of my clothes out of the wardrobe and on the sofa or even under it?
9/ May you may think that it's not easy when there are so many people with different personalities around you?
10/ What did they even work out a list of rules that helped avoid quarrels?
Ваше предложение "Катя умеет плавать" - переводится как "Kate can swim". Здесь употребляется модальный глагол can , который является недостаточным глаголом, т.е. у него нет всех видо-временных форм. Соответственно составить 15 предложений не получится.
Past: Kate could swim \ Kate was able to swim.
Present: Kate can swim.
Future: Kate will be able to swim.
1) Убирай Britaian- это страна Британия а остальное языки 2)Christmas это праздник рождество а остольное уроки 3)language это язык остальное время:неделя минута день.4)last это прошлый (прилогательное) остальное счет 11 5 7