Mikhail Lermontov [7] (3 October [October 15] 1814, Moscow -15 July [July 27] 1841 Pyatigorsk) - Russian poet, novelist, playwright, artist. Creativity Lermontov, which combines civil, philosophical and personal reasons, responding to the urgent needs of the spiritual life of Russian society, marked a new flowering of Russian literature and had a great influence on the most prominent Russian writers and poets of the XIX and XX centuries. Lermontov's works have received great response in painting, theater, cinema. His poems have become a true treasure trove for the opera, symphony and romance creativity, many of them have become folk songs Михаи́л Ю́рьевич Ле́рмонтов[7] (3 октября [15 октября] 1814, Москва —15 июля [27 июля] 1841, Пятигорск) — русский поэт, прозаик, драматург,художник. Творчество Лермонтова, в котором удачно сочетаются гражданские, философские и личные мотивы, отвечавшие насущным потребностям духовной жизни русского общества, ознаменовало собой новый расцвет русской литературы и оказало большое влияние на виднейших русских писателей и поэтов XIX и XX веков. Произведения Лермонтова получили большой отклик в живописи, театре, кинематографе. Его стихи стали подлинным кладезем для оперного, симфонического и романсного творчества, многие из них стали народными песнями[8].
Мое любимое время года лето , летом очень тепло и прекрасно, летом много возможностей, летом ты расцветаешь как бабочка, летом очень много вкусных плодов. Переведи с лавариком
Captain America is a marvel comic book superhero from the earth-616 universe. It was created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby and debuted in March 1941 at Captain America Comics #1. Captain America is one of the most popular superheroes, over the years of publication has sold about 210 million copies of comics in 75 countries. The term Captain America applied to any person chosen by the U.S. Government to wear a suit and shield. Nevertheless, it is believed that Captain America-Stephen Rogers. With the help of a specially designed serum Stevie was strengthened to the maximum physical capabilities and used as a weapon against enemies of the United States. Captain America is positioned as a Patriotic character. It is no accident that his suit and shield are painted in the colors of the us flag and have stars. The popularity of his comics was at its peak during world war II, as well as since 1964, when he became a member of the superhero team "the Avengers". Currently, Captain America is ranked 6th among 100 superheroes of all time by IGN.