<span>Do well I think it's because of Barbara. I've got a letter from her.
</span>duː wɛl aɪ θɪŋk ɪts bɪˈkɒz ɒv ˈbɑːb(ə)rə. aɪv gɒt ə ˈlɛtə frɒm hɜː<span>.</span>
Степхен пишется по англ. Stephen
I can swim, run,jump,play football and go to the zoo in the summer(летом) I can skate,ski in the winter (зимой)
1) passive
2) active
3) passive
5) active
<span>1. I'm ill.
2. You may catch cold.
3. I'm feeling bad today.
4. I have spent a month at a heaith resort.