I authorized member of this union. I need your data to take you to work. In my town the best school. Local residents respect me. This company provides equipment for all its members. It is very difficult and demanding education system. I went with friends in a cafe.
Животных мы можем увидеть везде! Также и в городе и в обычной жизни так и в зоопарках . Например идёшь по дороге а на ёлке сидит белка, а вот в некоторых странах на улицах ходят обезьяны и люди нормально на них реагируют! А сколько животных есть в зоопарках!!! Даже есть парки где животные ходят по дорожкам. Таким образом животные есть и в обычном для людей городе...
Who _have you trained with?
Where have you played this year?
<span>Have you won many matches</span>?
<span>Yes, we have
<span>And how many matches have you lost?</span>
<span>_Have you had any injuries?</span>
No, I haven't
В зоопарке.
На прошлой неделе Мистер Смит и его..
On vacation, I flew to the baku. there really likes flew on the plane with my brother, sister, grandmother, and mom. We were there for 2 weeks. on the beach I was catching a lot of jellyfish. They rode on the waves, they were very big. We lived on the island of Artem. We went to the city seldom. But I saw the high beznes cents that glow in the dark. It was on the ninth tower. And also there is a place where cacti are planted from all countries and write their name on them.
Good Luck.