Флаин хай, хай аим э бёрд ин зе скай аим эн ёгл зэт райдс он зе бриз хай, хай вот э филинг ту флай овэр моунтинс энд сис энд ту гоу энивэ зэт ай плиз
Is your teacher writing on the board now?
What is she\he doing?
Is your partner writing in her\his notebook?
What are your classmates doing now?
What game are the children playing at the playground now?
Are you listening to your teacher?
Are you answering the questions correctly?
We learn English because it is one of most languages that many people know. English is very important. If someone from a different place asks you something and you don't understand that person you can ask in English. English can come in very handy nowadays. If you want to learn a new language then English is the one.
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