Текст: Uncle Fred's farm
Перевод: ○ Ферма дядюшки Фреда
○ Ферма дяди Фреда
1father mother sister brother daughter son grandmother grandfather
2 becky didnt play puzzles yesterday
i will ride my bike tomorrow
My grandmather got letters yeasterday
they were in the country last summer
8 Janes mother cleaned the rooms
Did Jane help her mother?
She didnt like to work
Why did Janes mother go shopping
read read read
Look looked looked
draw drow drown
go went gone
make made made
lay laid laid
do did done
Feed fed fed
run run run
1) Мальчики внимательно слушали говорящего мужчину.
2) Хоть я и был поражен ее интересу к этому делу, я все равно продолжил свой рассказ.
3) Ты не мог бы закрыть дверь?
4) Паула бросила курить.
5) Мне бы не хотелось никуда идти сегодня вечером.
6) Саймон находился в трудной ситуации, поэтому я согласился одолжить ему денег.
7) Обещаю, что не опоздаю.
8) Ты бы хотела пойти сейчас?
He usually goes to school (go to school) by car, but today he's walking (walk).
1. I am listening to pop music at the moment. I prefer heavy metal.
2. They do not usually go to the cinema. They are watching a DVD at the moment.
3. They go to bed late every day. They are sleeping now.
4. He always plays football after school, but he is playing tennis today.
5. She is having dinner now. She likes fish.