Nowadays many people travel all over the world.Of course when you visit to another country you have to find more information about it. If you have well awareness of the language, customs and traditions then you will have fewer problems on the tour.In my opinion it can be really useful for some traveler.
<span>On the one hand, you should know more about the upcoming trip to avoid awkward moments. Firstly, you may have problems with the local people. For example, all the Europeans do not understand if you begin to touch or kiss her profusely. Secondly, it is necessary to know the culture for people with physiological abnormalities. For example, people who have allergies to many foods or another things. Thirdly, need to check the weather for the trip to avoid illness. We know such cases as people caught in extraordinary situations, sick and had complications. </span>
<span>On the other hand, when we get a lot of information about the country before the trip we lose the flavor of your journey. Also on the tour is not interesting to hear the same information. Moreover, information which we usually take from the Internet may be false. For example, the wrong information about the traditions can put you in an awkward situation. </span>
<span>In conclusion I would like to say that it is necessary to have some information, but not a lot because it can spoil your trip.</span>
2. Have you ever swum in the sea?
Yes, I have./ No, I haven't.
3. Have you ever climbed a mountain?
Yes, I have./ No, I haven't.
4. Have you ever been in an aerolane?
Yes, I have./ No, I haven't.
Перевод задания: роль играть.вы находитесь в поезде по обмену в <u>великобритании</u><u></u>
Ветер сотрясал дом
Дом сотрясался
Мы захватили, что смогли
Мы потеряли своих питомцев
И в тот день они так и не были найдены.
Ветер сломал наш дом.
Он был сброшен на землю.
Потом мы построили новый дом,
Он был построен слишком быстро, чтобы рассказывать об этом.
Мы сделали всю работу вместе,
Она была сделана хорошо.
Мы пригласили всех своих друзей,
Все наши друзья были приглашены.
Все они пришли с подарками,
Мы были счастливы и взволнованы.