Потому что, в этой фазе Месяц находится между Землей и Солнцем.
Мы не видим его еще потому что Месяц освещается только с 1 стороны,можно сказать он повернутый к нам неосвященной стороной и невидимый для нас.
Может он был главным в селе или в городе.
Прибор для измерения силы и направления ветра называется <u>анемометр</u>.
Хлеб, мясо, помидоры, плюс минус ещё что нибудь.
<span>1. I love my friends. I often talk to them about our problems.2. Today, come to me, my sister and her husband and their children.3. Come back to me tomorrow with his brother. My brother will come with his wife.4.isprav their mistakes! I am their errors are corrected daily.5. She talks on the phone with his parents quite often. She loves her parents.6. Do not forget your bag. My notebooks are in your bag.7. When you come to your friends? - My friends come to me on Saturday.8. Where do you cook your job?9. On Sundays I go to see him and his brother.10. Take off your coat and come to my room.11. I've been working on my pronunciation.12. She meets with her friends every week.<span>13. In our club we often argue about their problems.</span></span>