1. Computers are used by students at their lessons.
2. The rules of the game were explained to the students by the teacher .
3. A special dinner is cooked by Ann on the 21st of May.
4.A nice picnic was arranged last month by them.
5.These funny pictures were drawn by the little boy.
A) should/would go;
b) is opened;
2) Where did you go last month?
1. closed
2. loaded
3 . unseen
4. its
5. joyfully
6. bent
Now we live in a world in which everything is possible to learn using the Internet. Computer - this magic of technology performs many functions and operations, which replaces the TV, library, and more. For example, I can ask people from other countries or cities to help me with my homework. I can find different educational articles and more.
Many people use a computer every day and sit for a few hours. It is bad for their health. And they are also starting to think that teachers are not important, because there is the Internet. But I do not agree with this, because the teachers give the correct information, and the Internet can be wrong.
Virtual communication and help will never replace the real. Because teachers will be able to give advice and support, and this is better than feeling the false support of the robot.
1 <span>have got
2has got
3.Has got
4.Have got
5,Has got
6. Has got</span>