Открытие Железной дороги между Петербургом и Москвой 1851(11ноября)
Начло строительство Транссибирской магистрали 1891г
Восстание декабристов 1825г (25декабря)
Освобождение крепостных крестьян 1861 год
Ответ:1)Восстание декабристов 2)Открытие железной дороги 3)Освобождение крепостных крестьян 4)Начало строительство Транссибирской магистрали
The main consequence of the industrial revolution was industrialization - the transition from a predominantly agrarian economy to industrial production, which resulted in the transformation of the agrarian society into an industrial one.
The industrial revolution did not take place in different countries at the same time, but in general it is believed that the period when these changes took place begins from the second half of the 18th century and continues throughout the 19th century. A characteristic feature of the industrial revolution is the rapid growth of productive forces on the basis of a large machine industry, as well as the establishment of capitalism as the dominant world economic system
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