Продавец: Доброе утро! Могу ли я вам помочь?
Грег: Доброе. Я ищу подарок на День Рождения другу.
Продавец: Это для мальчика или девочки? (или еще можно сказать: а для кого именно подарок?)
Грег: Это для моей подруги Джуди. Ей завтра 12.
Продавец: Чем ваша подруга любит заниматься в свободное время?
Грег: Она любит играть в настольные игры и гулять с друзьями.
Продавец: Как насчет занимательных паззл?
Грег: Хорошая идея! Сколько они стоят?
Продавец: 18 евро. В этой коробке 5000 маленьких частей.
Грег: Боюсь, у меня не хватит денег (или: Боюсь, это слишком дорого для меня). У меня с собой только 15 евро.
Продавец: Ладно. Ей нравится рисовать?
Грег: Да, ей нравится рисовать и мастерить.
Продавец: Тогда как насчет набора "Собери куклу"? И стоит всего 13 евро.
Грег: Отлично! Я беру.
Продавец: Вам обернуть?
Грег: да, пожалуйста.
There are a lot of attractions in England but when tourists go to Scotland,
they, of course, are usually attracted by famous Loch Ness, which is situated
in the northern Scotland. What secrets and mysteries are hidden in this lake?
Nobody knows for sure but it is believed that a monster is hidden there. First
time it was seen in 1933. Since then Loch Ness monster has been seen at least
fifty times. Its pictures have been taken many times. The first picture was
made by a local newspaper in 30s. Its huge eyes have been seen once. Its horns
have been mentioned several times. However, its ears have never been seen so
<span>The monster isn’t forgotten nowadays and it seems that won’t be forgotten
ever because it is the main attraction there. It is mentioned in many
newspapers. Several years ago in one newspaper it was printed that the monster
had been seen running along the lake. It was drawn that moment and pictures
confirm its existence. Two monsters were seen according to other
periodicals. There is a chance that the monster has a girlfriend and articles
soon will be written about its family life. </span>
1. How old she is?
2. What his close friend is? (?)
3. Who <span>knows three European languages.
4. Where have they got a large garden?
5. Which car has he got?
6. How much rooms are in his flat?</span>
1.How much time have you been studying English? - I have been studying this language during 3 years.
2.They have been discussing this question for one and a half hour.
3.Have the children been walking for 4 hours already?
6.How much time has been she waiting for the bus? - She has been waiting for it during quarter an hour.
7.We have been discussing the working plan since 5 o'clock.
8.Since what time have you been working in the library? - I have been working here from morning. 9. The boys have been quarelling here for 20 minutes already. 10 How much time have the children been playing in the street? They have been playing from 10 o'clock. 11.It has been raining today since morning .12. Which of your collegue has been working on the factory since 1970?
Лиса<span>, или </span>Лисица<span> — это дикое животное, класс - млекопитающие, отряд - хищные, семейство - псовые. Когда-то в древности человек даже держал лис дома. Так, в </span>Иордании<span>при раскопках в 2000 году были обнаружены останки </span>лисы, возраст которых 15-17 тысяч лет. Это можно объяснить тем, что лисы прекрасно во все времена ловили мышей. Правда, это было до того момента, как были приручены кошки и собаки. Очень часто образ хитрой и ловкой лисички-сестрички встречается и в сказках!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Fox, or Fox — this wild animal, a class - mammals, group - predatory, family - psovy. Once in the ancient time the person even held foxes of a press. So, in Jordan at excavation in 2000 remains of the fox, which age of 15-17 thousand years were found. It can be explained to that foxes perfectly caught at all times mice. However, it was until as cats and dogs were tamed. Very often the image of cunning and dexterous chanterelle sister meets and in fairy tales.