Our planet needs help ПЕРЕВОД наша планета требуе помощи
My favorite place is ATB.
It's got lots of stuff and all kinds of products.
There are: food, water, species, household items and more.
There's also a very nice cashiers.
Next to it, there's a table that you can place your products on after buying it and put it in your bags.
Я так подумал))
Воспользуйся переводчиком ,,транслейте . ру .,, мне он очень помогает ,всегда ставят хорошие оценки
I will talk you about endangered species of animals.
Some kinds of animals will die or death because people cant take care of our planet. They drop litter on streets, they kill animals. I think people need recycle their litter. Why? I think its because the littering is the most ecological problem. People and animals die because all people pollute atmosphere. Yes, its expencive. Recyle litter. But we need this. People will not die, because atmosphere will be clean. And animals too. I think people can and must to feed wild animals. You can change our planet. You can change our life. All in your hands.
Большинство животных умеют прыгать, но слоны не умеют прыгать. Улитка может спать около 3 лет. Бабочки умеют чувствовать (вкусы, запахи) с помощью ног. Кошки могут издавать сотни звуков. Собаки могут издавать 10 звуков.