Фауна (или животный мир) Казахстана
Как часто вы ловите один?
что ты обычно делаешь,чтобы поправиться?
Сколько времени тебе нужно, чтобы стать лучше
<span>1. These shoes aren't cheap enough for me to buy.
2. Her sister was the only person who supported her.
3. The treasure is said to be have been </span><span> discovered in the desert.
4. "If you would like you could take up weightlifiting." his trainer told him.
5. Stanley used to have a jos at a very exclusive hotel.
6. Fred would</span><span><span> prefer not to organise </span>this year's office party.
7. My parents didn't let me go out at the weekend.
8. Spaghetti Bolognese was my most liked </span><span>dish at Tony's restaurant.
9. My parents gave me a permission to stay out late tonight.
10. What kind of reputation does thi</span><span><span>s restuarant</span> have?
Жаль, что у меня нет сейчас с собой фотоаппарата чтобы фотографировать.
Жаль, что я сейчас не в Москве.
When outside is raining i usually sit on my sofa and watch TV shows . When outside is sunny i walk with my friends .
At mornings i clean my teeth and have breakfast , then go to school .
At evenings i too clean my teeth and go sleep.