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Идеальная школа должна начаться в 11 часов утра. Учителя должны понять наши проблемы и выслушать идеи у нас есть. Нет школьной формы и specialhaircut! Перерывы должны быть длиннее, чем в настоящее время. Никаких скучных предметов, как науки или истории. Студенты должны только пройти курсы, им действительно нравится. Они не sholdn беспокоиться о тестах и знаки, если они не знают много, это их дело.
<span>1. Is there anything else (to tell) her? I believe she deserves (to know) the state of her sick brother.
2. He kept late hours last night, he may still (be sleeping).
3. "She must (have been) very beautiful years ago," Maren thought.
4. It's a secret, and no one else must (be told).
5. Good-bye. So pleased (to have met) you.
6. He's a talented engineer. He's supposed (to be working) at a new invention.
7. I've just seen him passing the entrance door, so he can't (be working) at the laboratory as you say.
8. The next morning he seemed (to have forgotten) it all.
9. No words can describe it: it must (be seen)
10. I hate (to brother) you, but the students are still waiting (to be given) books for their work.
11. He seized every opportunity (to appear) in public: he was so anxious (to be talked) about.</span>
3 задание:
1. I have been at this school for 7 years
2. I know my best friend since we was young
3. I have lived at this town for 1 year
4. I've had these shoes since the beginning of the school year
(Поправьте кто-нибудь, если что-то не так)
9.2. I have just finished my...
3.Have you ever eaten clam..?
4. ... I watched...
5. I haven't left
6. Has had
7. visited
4. В парах, спроси и ответь на вопросы о твоем опыте, опыте твоей семьи и друзей. Потом напиши 3 вопроса и ответь на них сам.
Have you еver been in other country?
Yes I have been in .../ No I haven't been, but I would like to go to... .
2. Has your best friend ever eaten Chinese food?
Yes, she/ he has. She said It was tasty. Or No, she hasn't.
3. Has your brother played football?
Yes, he has or No, he hasn't
Какое название у твоего любимого мультфильма?