1) pass trial exams
2) all the dates
3) not make any mistake
4) take physics uniform
5) have to find the information
6) visits our school choir
7) focus on
1)I live in (Улица на которой вы проживаете). I have (кол-во комнат) rooms.
2) Если вы делите комнату, то напишите: "Yes, i share my room with(sister/brother(сестра/брат))".
3)I have got: bed, wardrobe, lamp and table where I study my home work.
I haven't got TV and computer.
There are toys in my room.
There isn't any food in my room.
4)Yes, my room is tidy(аккуратная, опрятная).
I clean it with my mom/ sister/brother.(если с кем-то делит комнату, то с сестрой или братом/если не делит, то с мамой или сама(myself).
I put rubish into trash can(Я ложу мусор в мусорку).
5)Что бы вы хотели поменять в вашей комнате(paint my wall(покрасить стену).
I have put my books near the bed.
We have repainted my floor(Поменяли полы).
My room was redecoreted last summer.
6)Yes, I love my room, because it is very big and beautyfull.
I can spend time with(если делит комнату, то с сестрой/братом, если не делит, то with myself or with my friends).
I like all in my room.
To skateboard можно. А чем skateboarding не нравится?)
1.The symbol of Scotland in the <span>thistle.</span>
2.The symbol of England in the red rose.
3.The symbol of Wales in the daffodill.
i learned my friend to ride a bike
now i am learning play the piano
i learned play computer games when i was 6