1. Изучение экономики поможет Вам решать экономические проблемы успешно.-will help-Future Simple Active
2. Преимущества частной собственности были подитожены Адамом Смитом-were summarized-Past Simple Passive
3. Прибыль это то, что остаётся после затрат на производство и продажей товара.- is ,remains-Present Simple Active,have been deduced - Present Perfect Passive
4. Мы так же узнали, что разные нации создали разные экономические системы--found out-Past Simple Active,have created-Present Perfect Active
We always celebrate birthday of our family members.
Ann asked me if i would copy the text. Jill asked it it was worth buying. Nick asked if they had made some bet. Andrew asked if they had forbidden their son to play with them(his children). Mark asked me if i could slide down the roof.
3)Joan of arc - a teenage French peasant girl
4)a Long, exhausting war finally ended in 1453,
составь предложения из слов. long ,His, isn,t, pen. cockerel, got, big, a, Jess, hasn,t. fox, A, black, isn,t.
This story is long .
is this his pen ?
no this isnt his pen
i got a big black toy fox .
Jess hasnt got a cockerel at her farm