<span>9. 1) с - cemetery - кладбище
2)b - picnic - пикник
3)b - accommodation - размещение
4)с - satellite - спутник
10. 1) branch and late breakfast (lunch)
2) channel and duct, track
3) infotaiment - </span><span>leisure, recreational, fun, recreation
11. 1)</span><span> sweet, sugary - сладкий
2)</span><span> liquid, fluid - жидкий
3) </span><span>tough - крепкий
4) </span>sharp, keen, sharper - острый
1-classroom 2-teacher 3-locker 4-subjects 5-music 6-canteen 7-corridor 8- playground 9-water fountain
You can communicate through various ways like for example.
If you
are working in a organization you can talk with your fellow colleagues
and communicate. In this 21st century technology has gone by leaps and
bounds. You can communicate through telephone, through
letters handwritten by you. Through the internet you can communicate
by e-mails. through sms's on your mobile phone which has become a
necessity nowadays.
every person has a certain need to communicate and to interact with other people.
even thought there are always certain people that think they don't need other people.
Also communicating with animals is important, most people that can't communicate that well with humans can do that with animals