Бұл сіз көруге болатын ең әсерлі жерлердің бірі. Ішінде
Бүркіт көк аспанда көкке көтеріліп келеді. Кенеттен, у
қайтып келместен сағатына 120 мильге дейін шомылады
сұңқардың қолы. Өткір тырнақтарында қоянды ұстайды. Бұл
бұл қазақ даласы және бұл құс спорты.
Шұңқырлар 10 000 жылдан астам уақыт бұрын пайда болған дейді және тіпті келді
жазу өнертабысына дейін. Шыңғыс хан, 12-ші
ғасырдың Орта Азия мен Қытайды жаулап алушысы болды
жыртқыш құстар мен сұңқарларға қамқорлық жасау үшін.
Passive Voice
1.A decision will be taken at the next meeting by them.
2.This problem can be solved by us.
Reported speech
1. Ann told that she couldn't go to the party on Friday.
2. Pete said that he would phone when he got back.
Правильный вариант.
1. Mr. West is a teacher.
2. Our parents didn't go to work.
3. She was extremely nervous about his bad behaviour.
4. I am seeing Becky on Monday
5. He will become a doctor when he will grow up.
6. I can reach my work easily now, as I bought a new car.
7. Everybody was very shocked by this tragedy.
8. The scientists studied the data and discovered some new phenomenon.
9. Angela has bought her flat a few months ago.
Синоним - nervous, irritated
Антоним - dissatisfaction
Past Simple:
...when suddenly something flew down from the sky and hit my car. What was it? I stopped the car and go out. They looked very worried. Who were the people? So how was the turtle...? Well, the turtle was fine but my car was badly damaged. Well, I'm still a bit shocked! ...when it fell off into my car.
Past Continuous:
...I was driving home. The turtle was lying on the ground and two people were running towards it! ...the turtle was crawling on the balcony of their tenth floor apartment.
- What do you do in your free time?
- In my free time I like going to the swimming pool. I like swimming a lot. It's good for your health.
- Do you go alone or with your friends?
- My friends don’t like swimming. That’s why Iusually go alone.
- And what do you like doing on weekends?
- On the weekend I like to sleep in becauseduring the week I always get up early. I also like going to the fitness club. On Saturday I meet my friends and we go to the club.
Nora was in a cafe.David and Tom were in a school.Polly was at the beach.Sue and Meg were in a reustoran.Lika was in a shop.