Читается does ⇒ [<span>dʌz</span>]
В первом должно быть J
во втором Р
в третьем Q и U
в четвёртом всё кроме А
в пятом I
<span>Mary and Jenny don't know each other. They are planning trips to London now.
Maria is from Italy. She says that if she comes to London she will see a lot
of places there. She is going to visit some museums and galleries. If is doesn't rain she will walk about London streets and gardens.
Jenny comes
from Manchester. She is planning to visit London next week. She is going to do her Christmas shopping. Jenny wants to buy presents for her family
but she does not know if she will buy presents for all of them. </span>
I live in our big house.We have 2 garages,4 rooms, 1 kitchen and large living room.We have the living room has 2 sofas, 1 table,1 television.We in the evening the whole family watch television and we love it.I love our living room.
1. rise /или ты пропустила are перед пропущенным словом, ну, и если это так, то пропущенное слово - rivers.
2. action
3. main/major
4. states
5. stretched
6. <span>desert
7. - /единственное, что на ум приходит - это miss, но оно не в тему
8. chain</span>