1941-1945 ВОВ (one thousand nine hundred forty-one)
<span>one thousand nine hundred forty-five типо того? </span>
1.Red rose - the national emblem of England. (Красная роза - национальная эмблема Англии.)
2.Thistle is the national emblem of Scotland (Чертополох является национальной эмблемой Шотландии)
3.Daffodils and onions - leek are the emblems of Wales(Нарциссы и лук - порей являются эмблемами Уэльса)
4.Shamrock (a kind of clover) - emblem of Ireland.(Трилистник (своего рода клевер) - эмблема Ирландии.)
a) I was offered a cup of tea by her.
A cup of tea was offered me by her.
b) She is promised an interesting job by them.
An interesting job is promised her by them.
c) The actress will be given a bunch of flowers by them.
A bunch of flowers will be given to her by them.
d) The doctor was sent for by us.