Who is in the room?-Peter is.
We are on holidays.
This is our address.
We finished - это когда-то в прошлом, м б или вчера Yesterday, или указатели на прошлое LAST или AGO last month= в прошлом месяце , а week ago -неделю назад..., в таком-то году может было, те указано время когда действие было совершено в прошлом. А вот Have finished - have указывает, что действие завершено сейчас и мы выбираем эту форму (это настоящее завершённое время)Вот нам сейчас и пора отдохнуть 2). Есть слово LAST значит это простое прошедшее время и здесь надо выбрать форму WROTE 3). Здесь берём завершённое время , ана него указывает глагол HAVE -что действие только что завершилось,, об этом говорит следующее предложение: дайте нам ещё один текст! Потому выбор Have done! 4) have eaten уже съел и больше не могу (сейчас) Кстати в совершённом времени тоже надо знать указатели этого времени (уже already и just -только что или есть или можно мысленно подставить в предложение) 5) have become берём, потому что указатель здесь слово недавно (lately) -указатели надо знать! 6). have lost ( можно подставить только что-just или недавно) потому и просит помочь открыть дверь сейчас, Это коротко))
Tasmania - the island state of Australia, located south of the mainland, is famous for parks and nature reserves of virgin wildlife. In the 19th century, the convict settlement Port Arthur was located on the Tasman Peninsula, now it is an open-air museum. In Hobart, the capital and port city of the state, galleries and boutiques are located in the historic warehouse buildings of the Salamanca district. The Museum of Old and New Art presents the works of fashionable contemporary authors.
Ukrainian customs and traditions
"Custom" and "habit" in the Ukrainian language cognate. This is part of our daily lives that we imbibe with our mother's milk, singing beloved grandmother or legends that abound in our land. And we are always happy to share with visitors country merry Ukrainian customs, to invite them to the people celebrating pancake day or Midsummer, to give an incredibly beautiful wedding songs, guardian or embroidered towel, lift the pile with a loaf or a tasty treat ritual food – pancakes, Christmas pudding, Easter kulich. And to share the joy of togetherness. Countries, times, people.
Our guests notice the main pattern is a tradition in Ukraine is closely connected with the everyday, calendar and religious life. And this is quite natural. Because a lot of Ukrainian traditions and events, and how many people were connected with the agricultural calendar. Harvest songs, Christmas carols or songs meeting of spring since ancient times was accompanied by seasonal work. It was impossible to imagine the hard work without household magic rituals, and the rest without masquerades, entertainment or ritual greetings and crawls. The natural hospitality and cheerfulness passed from generation to generation through these everyday Ukrainian customs.
Family is very important for the Ukrainians. And of course, its emergence and existence is accompanied by many Ukrainian rituals and rites, Ukrainian customs and traditions. The arrival of the matchmakers and engagement, persuasion and cover (the transition from girlhood to married life), a bachelorette party or a Bridal train, the wedding invitation and hike with many foreclosures bride – almost all of these fun parts gladly abide by our contemporaries. By the way, our girls are very, as they say, tolerant: if they don't like the future husband, then they, according to Ukrainian tradition, matchmakers will make a pumpkin. And the young have so much respect for parents that thrice bow to them after receiving roll with salt. In a word, no wonder the marriage ceremony we call "fun": it's really fun!