1. At two thousand pounds, the car looks like a bargain. It's ____ very good condition.
2. Don't talk to me at the moment. Five bills arrived in the post today. I'm in a bad mood.
3.On average, I spend about thirty pounds a week on food.
4. The house was on fire, but the blaze was soon brought under control.
5. As I'm the deputy, I'm in charge of the office while the manager is away.
6. I can see the arguments for capital punishment, but personally I'm not in favour of it.
7. Don't give me any money for it. You can have it for nothing.
8. It's a good idea in theory, but I don't think it'll work in practise.
9. When you go away, you'll keep in touch, won't you? I want to hear all your news.
10. I don't think you dropped the vase by accident. I think you did it on purpose.
Card 2.
1) people need hobbies to not to waste time and do what they like.
2)Yes, of course it does. a person chooses a hobby that he likes.
3)I would recommend this person to take up a quiet hobby. for example, drawing. because you can calm down.
4)I would recommend this person sports hobbies. because there you need to play in a team, and it will be good for an unsociable person.
Denis Y. Ten - Denis Ten was born in Alma-Ata. By nationality - a Korean. Kazakhstan figure skater performing in singles. Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bronze medalist of the 2014 Winter Olympics.One of the few figure skaters-men performing a rotation bilman. Since 2013, he has been producing the ice show "Denis Ten and Friends", in which world figure skating stars are participating.
Денис Ю. Тен - Денис Тен родился в Алма-Ате. По национальности - кореец. Казахстанский фигурист выступает в одиночном разряде. Заслуженный мастер спорта Республики Казахстан. Бронзовый призер зимних Олимпийских игр 2014 года.
<span>Один из немногих фигуристов-мужчин, выполняющих вращение бильман. С 2013 года он продюсирует ледовое шоу «Денис Десять и друзья», в котором участвуют звезды мирового фигурного катания.</span>
Bob asked Tom if he could have a word with him for a minute.
Tom agreed and asked Bob what it was.
Bob said it was actually about Tom’s rubbish bin.
Tom asked Bob what the problem was.
Bob said he was sorry to say that but it stank and he couldn’t just put up with it any more.
Tom said that it was full of rubbish and wondered what Bob expected.
Bob said that Tom could put his rubbish in a bag first; so it smelt less and added that was what he did.
Tom replied that bin bags cost money and it didn’t cost him anything to throw his rubbish straight into the bin.
Bob agreed and added that he appreciated that, but the smell was offensive and very annoying. He said that it drove him crazy.
Tom agreed and said he was sorry about that.
Bob said that the smell also attracted flies and other insects, so it could become a health risk.
Tom agreed and said that was a fair point.He added that he would use bin bags from then on.
Bob thanked Tom.