Точно по русски
у меня днюха 31 марта
1) positive: heartwarming, well acted, lots of twists and turns, too long, very suprising, gripping, original.
2) negative: too long, a bit boring, predictable.
<span>P: Our special guest in the studio today is Bob Bubble. Welcome to the show, Bob.
B: Thanks. It's great to be here.
P: You are only 21, but you have already sold 10 million
records. How old were you when you wrote your first song?
B: I was 15.
P: Didyou take vocal lessons when you were a kid?
B: No, I didn't. My parents hoped that I would become a lawyer. So I sang and wrote
my songs in secret — late at night in my room, when everyone was sleeping.
When my first album appeared, my parents were shocked. My father said that I had disappointed him.
P: Is he still disappointed in you?
B: No. I think he is proud of me.
P: How many songs have you written ?
B: About 150.
P: Bob, I know you do not have much free time, but what do you usually do when you're not busy singing?
B: Well, I am fond of windsurfing.
P: One last question, Bob. Are you married?
<span>B: Not yet. I will get married only when I meet the girl of my dream</span></span>
15.am not