Астра, хризантема, бархатцы, золотарник, анютины глазки, гладиолус, георгин.
Поставь воду на пару дней,а потом возьми микроскоп и эту воду и.т.д
knows that there are a lot of problems in our families, including misunderstanding
between relatives and quarreling. It seems to me tI am treated badly in my
family, so wmy parents and I must pay some attention to our situation.<span>
My life is quite hard. But I hope my problem may
be solved. My friend gave me a couple of advice. We should arrange a date and
meet a psychologist, and, of course, bring all members of our family to his
office. Everyone of us must learn how to get alone each other, how to
compromise and to find the ways of getting rid of those quarrels between my brother
and sister. I should make my parents listen to me, and tell them every my
trouble and problem. Explain them what is wrong with me, ask them to understand
my feelings.
I hope everything will get better and my family
will find a compromise. We must fight for our life and never give up!</span></span>