2 Stelios isn't 24 years old. He is 26
3 Chad, Alejandra and Adriane aren't teachers. They are students.
4 Alejandra isn't Spanish. She is Japanese.
5 Adriane isn't 12 years old. She is 9
6 Stelios and Jenny aren't 26 years old. They are 20.
1 What do the roadside attractions bring?
2 Can roadside attractions come in all shapes and sizes?
3 Is this creature made out of steel and on a small train?
4 What are the largest roadside attractions in the world?
5 What can people see while driving along Kennon Road?
6 The head is 12 metres high,isn't it?
7 Where is a huge dinosaur situated?
8 How much does a huge dinosaur weigh?
9 Where is a giant lion’s head that many tourists stop at and pose for a photo next to?
10 What are the sweets made of?
1 Nick told us that he had seen Jimmy at a party last week.
2 The stewardess told the passengers to fasten the seat belts.
3 My friend asked me if I had finished reading his book.
4 My mother asked me why I was looking pale, and what the matter was.
5 My sister said that she had been looking for me everywhere.
6 David said that it was a bit cold that day and he was going to wear a pullover.
7 Mother told Alice not to interrupt the grown-ups.
8 The chairman suggested beginning the meeting.
1. Просто напиши дату рождения и то, где родился
Пример: I was born on the [день] of [месяц] in [год] in town/city [название города]
2. Ответь занимаешься ли ты спортом
Yes, i do and i really interesnig in it [да]
No, i don't go in for sport [нет]
3. Проводишь ли ты много времени с семьёй?
Yes, i do and i love my family [да]
No, u<span>nfortunately i don't [нет]
4. Кто глава в вашей семье?
Думаю, сам сможешь написать
Пример: My father is runs the house
5. Когда ты обычно ложишься спать?
Тоже простой вопрос, ответь на своё усмотрение
Пример: Think, i usually i go to bad about 9:30 PM</span>