A kindergarten is a preschool educational approach traditionally based on playing, singing, practical activities such as drawing, and social interaction as part of the transition from home to school. The first such institutions were created in the late eighteenth century in Bavaria and Strasbourg to serve children both of whose parents worked out of the home.<span>The term was coined by Friedrich Frobel, whose approach greatly influenced early-years education around the world. In accordance with his approach, he coined the term in the metaphorical sense of "place where children can grow in a natural way" (not in the literal sense of "garden"). The term is used in many countries to describe a variety of educational institutions for children ranging from two to seven years of age, based on a variety of teaching methods.</span>
Около половины основной территории (смежных штатов) — горные хребты, плоскогорья и плато Кордильер; восточную окраину пояса Кордильер образуют хребты Скалистых гор высотой более 4000 метров, западную — Береговые хребты, протягивающиеся вдоль Тихоокеанского побережья. На востоке страны — Аппалачские горы (высота до 2037 м). Между Кордильерами и Аппалачами — обширные внутренние равнины (Центральные, Великие). Вдоль побережий Атлантического океана и его Мексиканского залива — Приатлантическая и Примексиканская низменности.
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1 pres simp 3 pres simp 4 I was told yesterday that he had been invited to work at the factory. - past simp 5 - past simp 6 This article is often referred to. - pres simp 7 Research work - pres simp 8 - fur simp В этих страдательный. Некоторые неверные испрвлены.