населенный - populated
гористый - mountainous
обширный - vast
скалистый - rocky
прибрежный - coastal
долина - valley (в тексте valleys)
машиностроение - machinery
пищевая промышленность - food processing (в тексте ошибка)
отрасль - industry (в тексте industries)
британские острова - British isles
пролив Па-де-Кале - Strait of Pas-de-Calais (в тексте the Straits of Dover and the English Channel)
овцеводство - sheep-breeding
пейзаж - scenery
вересковая пустошь - moorland
равнина - plain
монарх - monarch (в тесте monarchy)
править - govern (в тексте governed и government)
плодородный - fertile
Думаю сойдёт)) At home I have a little dog named "Carrie." I love her very much and I like to walk with her. She has black ears, paws brown beautiful eyes. Her character is very soft and docile. She loves playing with the ball and has all sorts of goodies. This dog is very dear to me and I love her very much.
The history of hostels in Russia dates back to the Middle Ages when Moscow became the capital of the country
All people have different hobbies. I'm fond of computer and comp games. I like different types of games: arcades,adventures,shootings... I can play all day long. Sometimes,at weekend,I can play at night.Except games I understand in different comp programmes. For example: Adobe Photoshop,Microsoft word,excel,office... I can spend all day at the computer Nowadays computer is a part of our life. I think all people must understand it and use it.
Paying more attention to your health. will help you to live a happy long life