1.had given; wouldn't have closed
2.had built; wouldn't have had
3.had known; wouldn't have drowned
4.had listened; would have known
5.had told; would have been
6.had prepared; would have passed
7.had seen; wouldn't have bought
8.would have roughly expressed; had been
9.would you have done; had seen
10.would have been; had helped
1. The boy's dog is kind.
2. His cat likes ice-cream.
where is the cat sleeping now?
what do rabbits eat now?
Who are the children playing with at the moment?
right now animals are playing with whom?
who is eating carrots at the moment?
это present continuous, другие времена не знаю, надеюсь я правильно поняла это задание?
У глагола to be всего три формы настоящего времени: is, am, are
Если существительное стоит в единственном числе, ставим is. Если оно стоит во множественном - are. После I (Я) всегда ставится am, также после you всегда ставится are.
1. is, is
2. is, are
3. are, are
4. is, is
5. are, are
6. are
7. am, am, is, is
8. is, is,
9. are, is
10. is
11. is, isn't, is
12. are, are
13. is, is
14. is, isn't, is
Я думаю, что здесь должно быть under