В Великобритании образование делится на несколько уровней:дошкольное образование,подготовительное образование,начальное образование,среднее школьное образование,колледж,университет,
George Bernard Shaw was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1856. At the age of 20 he moved to London.Bernard Shaw wanted to become a novellist. However his novels were not successful and he gave up wtiting them. Soon his attention turned to the theatre. Shaw wrote more than fifty plays in his life. The main characters are Eliza Doolittle, Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering.
I'm from Russia,and John of England 2,I have many friends in USA and Canada 3,Jane in portfolios books
1. Are you working hard today?
2. Why are you looking at me like that?
3. John usually plays chess once a week.
<span>1. The 1-st of Sерtеmbеr isn't the_(longest) day.
2. The mouse is_ _(smaller) than the cat.
З. lt is а very_(funny) English book.
4. Не is a_(niсе) bоу.
5. Му hands are _(сlеаnеr) than уоur hands.
6. Russia is the_(largest) country.
7. In the city the rivers аrе_(dirtiеr) than in the country.
8. Ted is the_(worst) pupil in оur class.