The problem of healthy lifestyle is discussed nowadays in medical journals, in popular magazines, on radio and television. It is discussed by specialists and common people and seems to be important for many people. I feel enthusiastic in researching the problem of vegetarianism and healthy diet. Till recently people used to say that money is the most valuable thing in their lives. It is common knowledge that money makes possible exchange and trade, it has some other very important functions but it cannot give a person health unless one takes care of his / her health deliberately.Our health depends on many factors: our lifestyle, the environment we live in, the health care system, hereditary diseases. There is one more not less important factor. It is a balanced diet. In other words one should eat food which contains something from each of the three groups of nutrients.Carbohydrates provide our body with quick energy. Fat also gives us energy but it contains more than twice as many food calories. Proteins are the third group of nutrients that provide energy. Proteins make up much of the structure of cells. They are needed for the growth and repair of cells. Besides these nutrients our body needs water, minerals and vitamins.Scientists have spent years researching the effects of vegetarianism on human health.There is a number of questions which I am going to answer in this paper:What are the roots of vegetarianism?Who are vegetarians?Should we all be vegetarians?In what shapes do vegetarians come?Would we be healthier?Would the planet be healthier?What are the risks and benefits of a meat-free diet? АВТОР: Кондратьева Виктория
Писала не я, но может сгодиться как пример
Мы с классом решили отправиться на пикник.
Я собрал весь класс и решил, кто за то будет отвечать. Коля вызвался принести 5 литров газировки, а Маша решила сервировать стол. Катя взяла на себя готовку, а все остальные решили принести продукты к пикнику.
Настал долгожданный час пикника, нам было очень весело. Сначала мы играли в мяч, а после мы перекусили бутербродами, которые приготовила Катя.
We decided to go to a class picnic.I collected the whole class and decided who would be responsible for. Kohl's offered to bring 5 liters of soda, and Masha decided to lay the table. Katya took over the cooking and all the others decided to bring food for a picnic.<span>Then came the long-awaited hour outing, we had a lot of fun. First we played ball, and after we bite sandwiches, which prepared Katya.</span>
10 здоровых блюд
oatmeal porridge
buckwheat porridge
boiled chicken
Sandwiches with red fish
Jacket potato
vegetable Salad
salad morepraduktov
pumpkin Soup
lentil soup
овсяная каша
гречневая каша
Отварная курица
бутерброды с красной рыбой
Картофель в мундире
овощной салат
салат из морепрадуктов
тыквенный суп
суп из чечевицы
10 нездоровых блюд
fried potatoes
hot dogs
instant noodles
grilled chickens
жареная картошка
жареное мясо
лапша быстрого приготовления
Куры гриль
Past Simple: knew, won,wrote, was, got, ran, spoke, ate, bought, went, rode, took, came, learnt, found, swam, made, heard
Perfect: won,taken, spoken, done, got, written, gone, bought, ridden,flown, been, eaten, seen, learnt, found, swum, made, heard