This magazine,that sticker,this stamp, that sandwich, this poster, this teacup, this egg, that wall, that picture, this foot, th
This magazines
That stickers
This stamps
That sandwiches
This posters
This teacups
This eggs
That walls
That pictures
This feet
That mountains
This ladies
That windows
This men
That matches
This knifes
This books
This families
This pies
That answers
That apartments
That teachers
That comedies
For example you can use this:
Title: It's a Winter salad, that we make as new year dish. It is like Russian salad, but a little easier in preparation.
Preparation time: Fifteen to twenty minutes
Ingredients: boiled potato, cucumbers, cooked chicken or (and) sausage, chicken eggs, onions and green canned pea.
You'll also need: Oven, bowl, mayo, spoon.
What to do: boil the chicken eggs, potato. Slice all the ingredients besides canned pea. Put them in a bowl, then add mayo and mix with spoon. Enjoy!
1 have never gone
2 has
3 has lived
4 have lost
5 did her see....
6 played, went
7 have already read
8 lived
9 visited
10 has lived
1)My friends is.....We had always been friends and walk each other help.If some trouble we at any time we can help each other.Every day walk.Name and i are great friends
Мой друг это.....Мы с ним всегда дружим,гуляем и друг-другу помогаем.Если какая-то беда то мы в любое время поможем друг-другу.Каждый день гуляем.Имя и я лучшие друзья.
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