Это глагол to be.Он используeтся тогда когда в прeдложeнии нeт дeйствия. Для каждого лица он свой: I am
We, you are и т.д.
Alex has helped Mrs. Welsh. Alex has raked the leaves. Alex has swept the paths. Jay and Jane have swept the paths. Jay and Jane have sown two toys. Jay and Jane have cleaned up the house. Ann has cleaned up the house. Ann has bought the food for Mr. Elson. Ann has sown a toy. Helen has watered the flowers. Helen has cleaned up the house. Helena has sown a toy. Ron has watered the flowers for Ms. Welsh. Ron has done the shopping for Mr. Elson.
1)Where's mummy?
She s in the garden.
2)Where's daddy?
He's in the bedroom
3)Where's your sister?
She's in the kitchen
Computer, pets, beds, rooms, eat. то что я перечислил через запятую надо написать im have got a и то что я перечислил через запятую