1.We waited long.
2.I dreamed about you last night.
3.We <u />queued for hal an hour.
4.I replied to this letter yesterday.
1.He will have a ring this morning.
2.If I put in weight I will be on a diet.
3.It was very hot,so we had a rest for a while after lunch.
4.I did a brake but I still couldn't stop in time.
5.He did a push to me.
6.Did you have a look in the paper?
Английский Русский Произношение
Monday Понедельник 'mʌndei
Tuesday Вторник 'tju:zdei
Wednesday Среда 'wenzdei
Thursday Четверг ˈθɜːzdei
Friday Пятница 'fraidei
Saturday Суббота 'sætədei
Sunday Воскресенье 'sʌndei
Used to work, doesn't, has, bed, used to, moved, have lived, since, think, are going to move, next