твір моя сімя- <span><span>work</span><span>my family</span></span>
January is colder than March
Bill is more attentive than Kate
Garden is more beautiful than a park
Ex 5 is bigger than ex7
Bedroom is cozier than living room
Teachers are poorer than business men
Students are more cunning than professors
An anecdote is funnier than a story
A sweater is longer than a skirt
Jack is more intelligent than Jill
1 It’s a quarter past eight.
2 It's five o'clock.
3 It's a quarter to four.
4 It's half past six.
5 It's a quarter to ten.
6 It's twenty five minutes to eight.
7 It's a quarter past two.
Мыши ..on the table
щенок ...under table
свинка ... in the box
попугай ... on the table
канарейка ... on the chair
не уверена нужно ли ставить артикли